Teachers were not required to show the speech and students were not required to follow the lessons offered by Obama's administration, however that did not stop conservatives from claiming that the President was trying to "indoctrinate" our nations youth with his "socialist ideology."
Many people who dislike Obama or fear that his ideas are dangerous have told their children not to watch or are willing to keep them home from school. A good account of the controversy can be found in this article from cnn.com. Presidents such as Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. have addressed students in the past and you can watch what they said here.
Some questions for you to consider and discuss on the blog:
- Should the President address students in school directly? Is this the right/wrong thing for a President to do? Why?
- As students what is your reaction to the way people are responding to Obama's speech to students?
I think that it's nothing major if the president addresses students in school directly. It's the childs choice of whether or not he/she believes what the president says is a good idea or not. The president isn't doing anything wrong. The way people (who dislike Obama) respond is an understandable reaction because they want their children to side with them and they want their child to take sides with the "enemy". But something as dramatic as taking your child out of school is going too far.
ReplyDelete-Joseph Mironov 822
Tiffany Y. 822
ReplyDelete- I feel that the president should address students in school directly as long as it is related to the importance of education and not related to his political agenda.
- Unless President Obama purposely meant to spread his political agenda to students directly, I feel that many people overreacted about his speech toward students. However, if President Obama was aiming to spead his political views to students in America, I would understand why parents of different views would be concerned.
- I think that it was good of the president to make a speech to the students about education because it can make a huge impact on the way students view school.
Great points Joseph and Tiffany! You know, not long ago people who disagreed about politics didn't call each other the "enemy." But perhaps we're living in different times and people have less time to examine all the sides of an issue in order to have informed debates with those who disagree with them. Fewer people read newspapers while more people get their news from TV stations like Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN. On tv conflict and drama are more sought after then thoroughly investigated stories.
ReplyDeleteTiffany, you may want to watch Obama's speech on C-Span and decide for your self whether you think he wants to persuade students to follow his political beliefs or if he wants students to follow his beliefs about education.
I.S.234 Genna Lipkin
ReplyDeleteClass 822 September 10, 2009
Homework # 2
Personally, I believe that there is no major harm in the president’s speech. However, minor problems have arisen. First of all, the point of his message is basically pointless. Students already have the support and guidance of their school’s staff and from their encouraging parents. Secondly, his speech is very ironic. By encouraging students to do well through this speech, President Obama is taking limited and very precious time away from the pupils whose schools allow this message to be seen. Thirdly, many parents don’t want their children to see Obama’s message because the parents may not have voted for him and/or don’t like him and his ideas. To deal with this issue, some schools have required parents’ permission to view the speech. In closing, I think President Obama’s speech has its negative and positive points.
Richard J. 824
ReplyDeletePresident Barrack Obama's Speech to Students Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iqsxCWjCvI
Should the President address students in school directly? Is this the right/wrong thing for a President to do? Why?
Yes I think that the President should direct his speech to students in school directly. I believe that this is the right thing for him to do. I think so because kids can look up to him as a role model to do better in school. Like President Barrack Obama says in his speech he understands what most kids are going through at this point in life. His father "abandoned" him and his mother when he was 2, and his mother had a hard time paying bills and supporting him, but as it turns out he worked hard in school, and he is now the President of The United States of America. Once again I believe that this is the right thing to do because as of now we don't know everything that there is to know, and if kids work hard through-out life, and get good jobs such as scientists and doctors, they can find vaccines and serums for deadly diseases like cancer.
As students what is your reaction to the way people are responding to Obama's speech to students?
As a student my reaction to the way people are acting towards President Obama’s speech is “DUMBFOUNDED”…
I don't really know why some parents don't want there children hearing this speech, what the president's point is, is to tell us to work hard, and get good jobs that can help other people. President Obama wants us to live a good life and not work hours of hard labor in a fish market or as hotel maids etc.
---------- Oh and Mr. Harris if your reading this can you post a response to if I finished my homework or not? I don’t get whether you mean to post our thoughts on the site or write it down to bring in and share in class tomorrow. Thanks ---------- 9/10/09
- I think the President should address the kids so the kids know that the President cares about thier education and not only about his politics.
ReplyDelete-I think it's the right thing to do to show everybody that he cares about their kids education and not just his kids going to school getting their education.
-I think the people are responding wrong because the President just wants to talking to the kids about education and about their education.Also,it's not like President Obama is talking about his job and politics.
-Nicole A. Gonzalez
As a student I think the way people are acting towards Obama's speech is and uncalled for. They dont have to listen but it is a good idea to listen and think about it maybe their opinion will change
ReplyDeleteThere are a few things wrong with both comments and I respectfully disagree. Here is what I think.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is not that Obama is addressing the students, the problem is that he has a fickle personality. Obama likes to say what the people want to hear, nothing more. He will change his views from a college student as he did at one of his other speechs, even once suggesting there will be no public programs. Forget addressing students, lets start with building leader ship, we might as well have Sarah Palin as president. I saw most of Obama's speechs including this one, he says the same things the we are told everyday, none of it is inspiring it is just the same old worn out text. I fail to see how it is socialist, and he has the right to talk to the students if he so pleases. However, the parents know what is best for their children and it is understandable that they don't want a, controlled by the media, bumbling, idiot telling their children what to think. It is obvious that he is just trying to brainwash kids into believeing in him, not for them to believe in themselves. Kids shouldn't take resposiblity for their education, what kind of person would let them. Parents are their to support and look after their kids until they reach a certain age. Even proposing that idea is putting way to much pressure on the kids, if he is going to be told what to do at least people need to tell him the right things. He listens to one person but one person does not make up the U.S. We are a nation and he should stop making empty promises, start acting like a true man, and start taking action, America isn't getting any better and honestly I can't sit through another one of these pointless arguments that he brings up. Does it really matter is he addresses someone, when your kids grow up they will just change their minds or confirm their descion! And parents, THE WHOLE POINT IS TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS( Even though he ends up changing his). We need a leader, not a follower, NOW.
(by Mark Goldman)
I think that there is no harm done when the President addresses students directly. I agree with my fellow classmate Tiffany, as she stated, "as long as his address is relevant to education and not politics." I think that the positive aspect of the president addressing students directly was that they knew he was talking to them and of course they are the future of our country so who would or should he address besides them? Isn't it slightly obvious to talk about education with the people who are receiving it? And that is what Obama did so i think he is correct in that matter.
ReplyDeleteAs a student i feel that many people overreacted and were too skeptical about Obama's speech. This speech was something to encourage students to study hard and do well in school. But some people just took it in a whole different direction. Why do people have to bring politics into everything? It was completely unnecessary to bring politics into this speech.
- Mánsi Maini 822
I think that it's not wrong for the president to address students directly. President Obama is trying to make a very important point to students about staying in school. This is not a wrong thing for the president to do. He's trying to get a very important message across, specifically targeted for students. I think people aren't responding like they should to Obama's speech to students. Obama's ideas are not dangerous and his speech to students has nothing to do with his "socialist idealogy." People shouldn;t be concerned as much as they are about President Obama's speech because he is jsut trying to raise awareness for students to stay in school.
ReplyDeleteI think that there is no harm done when the President addresses students directly. I agree with my fellow classmate Tiffany, as she stated, "as long as his address is relevant to education and not politics." I think that the positive aspect of the president addressing students directly was that they knew he was talking to them and of course they are the future of our country so who would or should he address besides them? Isn't it slightly obvious to talk about education with the people who are receiving it? And that is what Obama did so i think he is correct in that matter.
ReplyDeleteAs a student i feel that many people overreacted and were too skeptical about Obama's speech. This speech was something to encourage students to study hard and do well in school. But some people just took it in a whole different direction. Why do people have to bring politics into everything? It was completely unnecessary to bring politics into this speech.
- Mánsi Maini 822
I respectfully disagree with all 3 of you.
ReplyDeleteI dont think this issue is the problem, I think Obama is. I have seen a lot of his speeches and I find that he uses the same worn out text that everyone says to us, everyday of our lives. It isn't inspiring, it is annoying to have to listen to someone that does not know what he is preaching. I understand why parents don't want him brainwashing our kids, he is a media controlled idiot that has a fickle personality. We might as well have Sarah Palin as president. In no way is he a leader and honestly, it annoys me how he keeps on giving us empty promises that are changed in instant as well. He can address children if he so chooses, and it isnt socialist or anything close to it, but the kids will grow up and either change their point of view or confirm it. However, his point is still pretty bad, kids shouldnt take responsibility for their own education, the whole point of having parents is so they could look after you. Kids needing to learn has nothing to do with kids doing it all by themselves, they are children, not grown ups.
Richard J. 824
ReplyDeletePresident Barrack Obama's Speech to Students Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iqsxCWjCvI
Should the President address students in school directly? Is this the right/wrong thing for a President to do? Why?
Yes I think that the President should direct his speech to students in school directly. I believe that this is the right thing for him to do. I think so because kids can look up to him as a role model to do better in school. Like President Barrack Obama says in his speech he understands what most kids are going through at this point in life. His father "abandoned" him and his mother when he was 2, and his mother had a hard time paying bills and supporting him, but as it turns out he worked hard in school, and he is now the President of The United States of America. Once again I believe that this is the right thing to do because as of now we don't know everything that there is to know, and if kids work hard through-out life, and get good jobs such as scientists and doctors, they can find vaccines and serums for deadly diseases like cancer.
As students what is your reaction to the way people are responding to Obama's speech to students?
As a student my reaction to the way people are acting towards President Obama’s speech is “DUMBFOUNDED”…
I don't really know why some parents don't want there children hearing this speech, what the president's point is, is to tell us to work hard, and get good jobs that can help other people. President Obama wants us to live a good life and not work hours of hard labor in a fish market or as hotel maids etc.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGreat posts everyone. I hope this reaches you in time but I wanted to clear up any confusion. Make sure your homework is written on loose-leaf so that there is a record of it for the homework checker. You can also cut-and-paste your posts and print that out as long as it is formatted correctly (heading, homework #2).
ReplyDeleteAlso, make sure you identify yourself and leave your class number so we know who you are.
As for the posts: Mark, I think your post raise an interesting question about what our President says - is he controlled by the media or is he trying to control the media? Every President has, what they call, "the ear" of the media. Reporters follow him around wherever he goes in a way that they don't with anyone else in the government. He can either "spin" what he want's them to report or sometimes the story spins out of control and the President has to perform "damage control" to keep from looking bad.
In the case of the health reform law bill that Congress is debating and the country have been debating all summer, Obama seems to have allowed the story to spin out of control. Last night he tried to regain control in a speech he made to COngress. Some reports seem to be saying that he has energized the Democrats - and that there will be a major law passed by the end of the year.
What do you think?
They also say the world at 2012, doesn't mean its true. They are more focused on the right now than real, important issues. Obama always ends up using damage control and I am done supporting him, not that I ever started.
ReplyDeleteAs for the other students that support him, just think how much he says and how little he does. Did you ever stop and think, HE ISN'T EVEN THE ONE SAYING THIS ****. It's his advisor, and frankly people who believe in Obama now, are in for a let down. The only hope now is that Joe Biden is put in his place. Something would finally change, and another thing is I don't know why presidents waste their time giving speechs. How about you stop reassuring us and just do it. Wouldnt that just be so much more reassuring?
Lastly, I'm not saying McCain was any better, I didn't like either. Now Al Gore was a real man. A real leader, he really cared about the people.
I agree with everything that Mark G. has written so far and Obama's been passing "major" laws for a while now. But no matter what, the economy's still not improving and Obama keeps promising everybody that everything is gonna be okay and stuff like that(empty promises). He's just telling people what they want to hear and 98% of the time, it's the same thing every single time he gives a speech. Like you said Mr. Harris, Obama is just trying to make himself look good.
ReplyDeleteI hear you frustrations with Obama's progress Mark and Joseph and it is clear that both of you have thought a lot about the subject, but remember, the President also has to balance the interests of Congress, the people, and the special interests (like the medical insurance companies and teacher's unions).
ReplyDeleteEvery President knows that they have a window of time during their first term when they have enough support from the people and Congress to get laws passed, after that it becomes harder and harder to pass big laws. Perhaps the two of you have tapped into the frustration many Americans also feel. They too want the economy to get better faster but remember, the country was in a deep recessions, our economy shrank a lot and it always takes a while for it to feel better to the regular American.
One topic we will learn about this year is the Great Depression. It started in 1929 and didn't really end until WWII started in 1941. Could you imagine waiting that long today? Americans elected the same man, Franklin D. Roosevelt, twice when things were at their worst. Times have certainly changed.
Mr. Harris
Well it wasn't because of him, obviously the next president did a much better job. And WWII started 1937, it's just that we didn't join until we wanted to we taunted Japan and wanted that to happen. We needed a reason to join the war.
ReplyDeleteAnd instead of trying to talk to the Congress and the people, how about he finally helps us and so we can all be thankful. Frankly, I'm that thankful right now, he just can't keep his mouth shut and when i comes to descion time he can't open it.